The following is a list of compile dependencies in the DependencyManagement of this project. These dependencies can be included in the submodules to compile and run the submodule:
GroupId | ArtifactId | Version | Type | License |
com.github.stefanbirkner | system-lambda | 1.2.1 | jar | MIT License |
com.tngtech.archunit | archunit | 1.3.0 | jar | The Apache Software License, Version 2.0, BSD |
commons-io | commons-io | 2.18.0 | jar | Apache-2.0 |
info.picocli | picocli | 4.7.6 | jar | The Apache Software License, version 2.0 |
io.github.classgraph | classgraph | 4.8.179 | jar | The MIT License (MIT) |
junit | junit | 4.13.2 | jar | Eclipse Public License 1.0 |
net.bytebuddy | byte-buddy | 1.16.1 | jar | Apache License, Version 2.0 |
net.bytebuddy | byte-buddy-agent | 1.16.1 | jar | Apache License, Version 2.0 | | jna | 5.16.0 | jar | LGPL-2.1-or-later, Apache-2.0 |
org.apache.commons | commons-lang3 | 3.17.0 | jar | Apache-2.0 |
org.apache.maven | maven-artifact | 3.9.0 | jar | Apache-2.0 |
org.apiguardian | apiguardian-api | 1.1.1 | jar | The Apache License, Version 2.0 |
org.asciidoctor | asciidoctorj | 3.0.0 | jar | The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 |
org.assertj | assertj-core | 3.27.3 | jar | Apache-2.0 |
org.codehaus.plexus | plexus-classworlds | 2.8.0 | jar | Apache License, Version 2.0 |
org.codehaus.plexus | plexus-component-annotations | 2.2.0 | jar | Apache License, Version 2.0 |
org.codehaus.plexus | plexus-utils | 4.0.2 | jar | Apache License, Version 2.0 |
org.codehaus.plexus | plexus-xml | 4.0.2 | jar | Apache License, Version 2.0 |
org.junit.jupiter | junit-jupiter | 5.11.4 | jar | Eclipse Public License v2.0 |
org.junit.jupiter | junit-jupiter-api | 5.11.4 | jar | Eclipse Public License v2.0 |
org.junit.jupiter | junit-jupiter-engine | 5.11.4 | jar | Eclipse Public License v2.0 |
org.junit.jupiter | junit-jupiter-migrationsupport | 5.11.4 | jar | Eclipse Public License v2.0 |
org.junit.jupiter | junit-jupiter-params | 5.11.4 | jar | Eclipse Public License v2.0 |
org.junit.platform | junit-platform-commons | 1.11.4 | jar | Eclipse Public License v2.0 |
org.junit.platform | junit-platform-console | 1.11.4 | jar | Eclipse Public License v2.0 |
org.junit.platform | junit-platform-engine | 1.11.4 | jar | Eclipse Public License v2.0 |
org.junit.platform | junit-platform-jfr | 1.11.4 | jar | Eclipse Public License v2.0 |
org.junit.platform | junit-platform-launcher | 1.11.4 | jar | Eclipse Public License v2.0 |
org.junit.platform | junit-platform-reporting | 1.11.4 | jar | Eclipse Public License v2.0 |
org.junit.platform | junit-platform-runner | 1.11.4 | jar | Eclipse Public License v2.0 |
org.junit.platform | junit-platform-suite | 1.11.4 | jar | Eclipse Public License v2.0 |
org.junit.platform | junit-platform-suite-api | 1.11.4 | jar | Eclipse Public License v2.0 |
org.junit.platform | junit-platform-suite-commons | 1.11.4 | jar | Eclipse Public License v2.0 |
org.junit.platform | junit-platform-suite-engine | 1.11.4 | jar | Eclipse Public License v2.0 |
org.junit.platform | junit-platform-testkit | 1.11.4 | jar | Eclipse Public License v2.0 |
org.junit.vintage | junit-vintage-engine | 5.11.4 | jar | Eclipse Public License v2.0 |
org.mockito | mockito-core | 5.2.0 | jar | The MIT License |
org.mockito | mockito-inline | 5.2.0 | jar | The MIT License |
org.mockito | mockito-junit-jupiter | 5.2.0 | jar | The MIT License |
org.neo4j | neo4j-cypher-dsl | 2024.4.0 | jar | The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 |
org.neo4j | neo4j-cypher-dsl-codegen-core | 2024.4.0 | jar | The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 |
org.neo4j | neo4j-cypher-dsl-codegen-sdn6 | 2024.4.0 | jar | The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 |
org.neo4j | neo4j-cypher-dsl-parser | 2024.4.0 | jar | The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 |
org.neo4j | neo4j-cypher-dsl-schema-name-support | 2024.4.0 | jar | The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 |
org.neo4j | neo4j-ogm-bolt-driver | 4.0.14 | jar | The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 |
org.neo4j | neo4j-ogm-core | 4.0.14 | jar | The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 |
org.neo4j.driver | neo4j-java-driver | 5.27.0 | jar | Apache License, Version 2 |
org.neo4j.test | neo4j-harness | ${neo4j.version} | jar | - |
org.objenesis | objenesis | 3.4 | jar | Apache License, Version 2.0 |
org.powermock | powermock-reflect | 2.0.9 | jar | The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 |
org.slf4j | jul-to-slf4j | 1.7.36 | jar | MIT License |
org.slf4j | slf4j-api | 1.7.36 | jar | MIT License |
org.slf4j | slf4j-simple | 1.7.36 | jar | MIT License | | spring-data-neo4j | 7.4.2 | jar | The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 |
org.testcontainers | activemq | 1.20.4 | jar | MIT |
org.testcontainers | azure | 1.20.4 | jar | MIT |
org.testcontainers | cassandra | 1.20.4 | jar | MIT |
org.testcontainers | chromadb | 1.20.4 | jar | MIT |
org.testcontainers | clickhouse | 1.20.4 | jar | MIT |
org.testcontainers | cockroachdb | 1.20.4 | jar | MIT |
org.testcontainers | consul | 1.20.4 | jar | MIT |
org.testcontainers | couchbase | 1.20.4 | jar | MIT |
org.testcontainers | cratedb | 1.20.4 | jar | MIT |
org.testcontainers | database-commons | 1.20.4 | jar | MIT |
org.testcontainers | databend | 1.20.4 | jar | MIT |
org.testcontainers | db2 | 1.20.4 | jar | MIT |
org.testcontainers | dynalite | 1.20.4 | jar | MIT |
org.testcontainers | elasticsearch | 1.20.4 | jar | MIT |
org.testcontainers | gcloud | 1.20.4 | jar | MIT |
org.testcontainers | grafana | 1.20.4 | jar | MIT |
org.testcontainers | hivemq | 1.20.4 | jar | MIT |
org.testcontainers | influxdb | 1.20.4 | jar | MIT |
org.testcontainers | jdbc | 1.20.4 | jar | MIT |
org.testcontainers | junit-jupiter | 1.20.4 | jar | MIT |
org.testcontainers | k3s | 1.20.4 | jar | MIT |
org.testcontainers | k6 | 1.20.4 | jar | MIT |
org.testcontainers | kafka | 1.20.4 | jar | MIT |
org.testcontainers | localstack | 1.20.4 | jar | MIT |
org.testcontainers | mariadb | 1.20.4 | jar | MIT |
org.testcontainers | milvus | 1.20.4 | jar | MIT |
org.testcontainers | minio | 1.20.4 | jar | MIT |
org.testcontainers | mockserver | 1.20.4 | jar | MIT |
org.testcontainers | mongodb | 1.20.4 | jar | MIT |
org.testcontainers | mssqlserver | 1.20.4 | jar | MIT |
org.testcontainers | mysql | 1.20.4 | jar | MIT |
org.testcontainers | neo4j | 1.20.4 | jar | MIT |
org.testcontainers | nginx | 1.20.4 | jar | MIT |
org.testcontainers | oceanbase | 1.20.4 | jar | MIT |
org.testcontainers | ollama | 1.20.4 | jar | MIT |
org.testcontainers | openfga | 1.20.4 | jar | MIT |
org.testcontainers | oracle-free | 1.20.4 | jar | MIT |
org.testcontainers | oracle-xe | 1.20.4 | jar | MIT |
org.testcontainers | orientdb | 1.20.4 | jar | MIT |
org.testcontainers | postgresql | 1.20.4 | jar | MIT |
org.testcontainers | presto | 1.20.4 | jar | MIT |
org.testcontainers | pulsar | 1.20.4 | jar | MIT |
org.testcontainers | qdrant | 1.20.4 | jar | MIT |
org.testcontainers | questdb | 1.20.4 | jar | MIT |
org.testcontainers | r2dbc | 1.20.4 | jar | MIT |
org.testcontainers | rabbitmq | 1.20.4 | jar | MIT |
org.testcontainers | redpanda | 1.20.4 | jar | MIT |
org.testcontainers | selenium | 1.20.4 | jar | MIT |
org.testcontainers | solace | 1.20.4 | jar | MIT |
org.testcontainers | solr | 1.20.4 | jar | MIT |
org.testcontainers | spock | 1.20.4 | jar | MIT |
org.testcontainers | testcontainers | 1.20.4 | jar | MIT |
org.testcontainers | tidb | 1.20.4 | jar | MIT |
org.testcontainers | timeplus | 1.20.4 | jar | MIT |
org.testcontainers | toxiproxy | 1.20.4 | jar | MIT |
org.testcontainers | trino | 1.20.4 | jar | MIT |
org.testcontainers | typesense | 1.20.4 | jar | MIT |
org.testcontainers | vault | 1.20.4 | jar | MIT |
org.testcontainers | weaviate | 1.20.4 | jar | MIT |
org.testcontainers | yugabytedb | 1.20.4 | jar | MIT |
The following is a list of test dependencies in the DependencyManagement of this project. These dependencies can be included in the submodules to compile and run unit tests for the submodule:
GroupId | ArtifactId | Version | Type | License |
---|---|---|---|---| | error_prone_annotations | 2.36.0 | jar | Apache 2.0 | | guava | 33.4.0-jre | jar | Apache License, Version 2.0 | | compile-testing | 0.21.0 | jar | The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 |
org.checkerframework | checker-qual | 3.48.4 | jar | The MIT License |